From left to right: Koos Louw, Aurecon Office Manager, eThekwini; Graham Landon, Transnet Capital Projects’ Project Manager; Jabu Tlou, Transnet Capital Projects’ Safety Manager; Mark Perkins, Aurecon Safety Supervisor Bayhead Road, a key feeder...
A newly developed membrane used to separate waste from water could become key in the treatment of pollutants ranging from acid mine drainage to oil-containing wastewater, as well as in processes ranging from desalination to kidney dialysis. The...
Transporters crossing the border at Lebombo/Ressano Garcia during the Easter holiday period should take note of the following information released by the MCLI, which will make your travels easier. Please note that this period carries the highest...
Rhinos, cheetahs and wild dogs get the lion’s share of news headlines when animal conservation is discussed, but there is another animal that is facing extinction in Africa that does not make the headlines. The Southern Ground Hornbill, which...