South Africa will soon have a Paper and Packaging Industry Plan, which will bring a significant change in the current waste management regime. “Through this plan we hope that we can commence with separation at source from household levels,”...
New data compiled by Beverage Marketing Corp. (BMC), New York, shows that between 2000 and 2014 the average weight of a 16.9-ounce (half-liter) single-serve polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle of water has declined 52% to 9.25 grams. This has...
A USD2.3 million European Union (EU) LIFE (financial instrument for the environment) funded project – the Critical Raw Material Closed Loop Recovery – will explore opportunities for obtaining critical raw materials (CRMs) and precious metals from...
Products made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can be hard to recycle. Although South Africa saw a 3.9% increase in the total amount of PVC diverted from landfill in 2014 (18 488 tons), vinyl is still often, and wrongly, regarded as being...