Zimbabwe and South Africa have reportedly entered negotiations over the possibility of Zimbabwe supplying water to South Africa. Zimbabwean Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko last week announced that the deal being negotiated through the Bi-National...
Stellenbosch University is working to significantly reduce the water footprint of the campus as the drought continues in the Western Cape. Experts from the university have been working closely with JG Afrika, a leading firm of consulting engineers...
By Virginia Molose, Researcher at the Water Research Commission The Water for Growth and Development Framework, (WfGD, 2009) recognises women as strategic users of water because of their intrinsic knowledge on location, reliability and quality of...
Microplastics are a global environmental problem that travels through the food chain and ends up on our plates. Around a third of these tiny particles are caused by worn tyres when the debris is washed into sewers by rainwater. Because sewage...