Water security and sustainability took centre stage at the recent launch of the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan Dialogue. The plan will be launched by the department of water and sanitation (DWS) in collaboration with the...
Innovation and localised solutions will help fast track Africa’s much needed developments, KPMG experts say. With the opening of African Utility Week in Cape Town on Wednesday, KPMG experts shared their views on what they believe are the greatest...
R2.7 billion in debt is owed to the department of water and sanitation, minister Nomvula Mokonyane told Parliament last week. The debt, which is owed by water boards and municipalities, was described as a “major concern for the department” and was...
Water saving activities in the Eastern Cape are finally beginning to pay off. Various Working for Water (WfW) projects around the province play a critical role in preserving run-off water, contributing to provincial dam levels. These projects have...