Many mines continue grapple with the complexities of implementing and renewing their water use licences (WULs). Global consulting engineers and scientists SRK Consulting have prepared a manageable system to simplify this process – complete with a...
Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane yesterday launched three water augmentation Projects at Rand Water’s Zuikerbosch Water Pump Station in Vereeniging, Gauteng. This major initiative, in partnership with Rand Water Board, will...
Phase 1 of the augmentation and upgrading of the James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply in the Eastern Cape is about to commence. The soon to begin augmentation and upgrade is to meet water demand requirements for 2035 and during drought situations....
“It is now business unusual,” Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane told Parliament at the National Council of Provinces budget vote debate. Mokonyane said South Africa needs game changers when it comes to water ownership patterns and...