A team of skilled professionals completing missions for communities that need them most, have brought permanent fresh water to more than 100 000 people in Mooiplaas, near Pretoria. The permanent borehole connection was made possible by a team...
South Africa’s first Water Disclosure Report revealed that 85 per cent of water-intensive users among the JSE Top 100 companies are exposed to water-related risk, with 70 per cent believing that risks to their direct operations could occur...
Global water, energy and food resources are under enormous pressure. Over the next few decades, increases in population and consumption, as well as rapid urbanisation will exacerbate this pressure. Historically, South Africa’s economic wealth and...
Two biogas scrubbing and cogeneration – combined heat and power (CHP) plant –are scheduled for the Northern Wastewater Treatment Works and the Driefontein Wastewater Treatment Works. Until now, the biogas produced by the WWTW plants has been used...