Residents of Mncitsini in the Maseyisini constituency risk their lives and illegally cross a border line, separating Swaziland from South Africa, to draw water from a South African dam. Due to the scarcity of water at Mncitsini, residents are left...
Bokaa and Letsibogo dams are currently at their lowest water levels in five years. According to the Water Utilities Corporation (WUC), Letsibogo Dam’s level decreased by 46% between June 2011 and June 2012, making it the worst recorded...
Construction of the 45 Mℓ Longbridge Reservoir with pipeline links to neighbouring suburbs is currently underway. The Mangaung city council identified the need for additional storage capacity in the south of Bloemfontein. Funded by the Development...
Water scarcity has become a global debate. As such, the following quote is very apt: “The next war in the Middle East will be fought over water, not politics – 1985”. The same man was also quoted as saying: “Water will be more important than oil...