Infrastructure News - Part 183

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Metro News

Manhole cover

Infrastructure thieves strip CT of R30 million

The City of Cape Town has been hard hit by utility infrastructure theft losing R30 million between July and December 2015. The Water and Sanitation Department has been the worst hit thus far, with losses of R17 295 345 incurred through stolen water...

A place for solid waste in SONA 2016

By Frances Ringwood Municipal solid waste has not featured in the forefront of the last two State of the Nation Addresses (SONAs) of 2014 and 2015. This year, off the back of December strike action by municipal rubbish collectors in Johannesburg...


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Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.