water | Infrastructure news - Part 185

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Malmesbury Wastewater Treatment Works image

Hybrid water treatment system project wins award

The Malmesbury Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) treats wastewater from Malmesbury. The original WWTW prior to a much needed refurbishment and upgrade project was not only overloaded but also discharged sub-standard effluent. In order to remedy...
Kafue Rive image

Gauteng water woes duplicated in Lusaka

Lusaka has been hard hit by water shortages seeing some sections of the city running completely dry. Residents of Gauteng and perhaps South Africans in general will sagely nod at the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company’s (LWSC) explanation: “The...
Procon Mycelx system image

Oily water separation technology

The launch of a new oily water separator is good news for South African industrial operations as they can now achieve high standards of internationally-recognised discharge limits. Through its commitment to the localisation of ProSpin oily water...
Prof Jumanne Maghembe image

Water sector’s performance revolution

Tanzania’s “Big Results Now” initiative (BRN) has facilitated 16 784 water drawing installations in its current financial year compared to the 16 062 achieved over the last six years. Speaking at the 9th Joint Water Sector Review meeting in Dar es...

Make free clean drinking water using the sun

Drinking water is an effective source for the spread of gastrointestinal microbial pathogens that can cause severe human diseases. The large number of deaths and disease burden in the world caused by unsafe drinking water is a compelling reason to...
The Matimba Power Station

Water project awaits financial guarantees

The Department of Water and Sanitation must surely be tapping its fingers while it waits and hopes that Treasury’s fiscal liability committee will have decided on its request for government guarantees to unlock a R11,3 billion second-phase water...
Child receiving water image

Municipal workers did not poison water supply

Following the Department of Water and Sanitation conducting a series of tests on the water network in Mahikeng to ascertain whether it has been poisoned or not it has been established that the water is indeed safe to drink. In an astounding turn of...
Dakar image

Senegal to diversify water sources

A Senegalese company is examining desalination as a solution to keep water supply flowing in the capital city of Dakar. The city’s structural water problems came to a head during September last year when 40% of the city went without water for two...