water | Infrastructure news - Part 193

Search results for: water

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam image

Ethiopia wants to share Nile water

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn says Ethiopia is determined to share Nile River water with all riparian states. Desalegn said that, although Ethiopia is the source of 86% of Nile water, the country believes it is a common resource,...

Waterless urinals to save CT 20m litres of water

The City of Cape Town will replace 5 000 automatic flushing urinals across the city with waterless ones. The project will save an estimated 20 million litres of water per year. As part of a pilot project, R30 000 worth of waterless urinals have...

Mokonyane announces water & sanitation plans

Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane says her department will provide a sustainable and holistic water value chain as guided by the National Development Plan, the ANC manifesto, and the second National Water Resource Strategy....

Ghana makes big investments in potable water

The government of Ghana aims to increase urban water coverage from the current level to 85% by 2015 while taking rural water coverage to 76% in order to guarantee the availability of potable water for all Ghanaians. According to the Deputy Minister...
Nigeria map image

Nigeria to give priority to water

The Nigeria Minister for Water Resources, Sarah Ochepe has appealed to the chairman of all local government councils to give priority to the provision of water and sanitation to the rural population in order to curb the spread of waterborne...
kid drinkiing from tap image

Water & sanitation MDG progress update

Sub-Saharan Africa still has a long way to go to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. Close to half of the global population without water resides in sub-Saharan Africa. The region has also made little progress on improving...