waste | Infrastructure news - Part 231

Search results for: waste

kid drinkiing from tap image

Municipalities improve basic service delivery

The number of consumer units receiving services from municipalities increased between 2014 and 2015. The highest percentage increase from 2014 to 2015 in the provision of services was recorded in solid waste management (5.3%), followed by...

Behind Bontle Ke Botho

The Bontle Ke Botho campaign is an initiative aimed at addressing issues around littering and waste management in Gauteng. Web source: http://www.cnbcafrica.com/video/?bctid=4732048722001 Source: CNBC Africa

CT clamps down on illegal stormwater connections

The City of Cape Town is clamping down on illegal stormwater and sewer connections. The City’s sewer inspectorate is reportedly making steady progress with its stormwater ingress programme. This programme is an essential component of the strategy...

South Africa’s push for renewables

Already the continent’s largest producer of renewable energy, South Africa is moving to further reduce its reliance on hydrocarbons by expanding private sector investments in solar and wind projects, and introducing biofuels. Under the Renewable...