waste | Infrastructure news - Part 253

Search results for: waste

Could “sewage farming” be the answer?

Crops grown in the Egyptian desert using treated wastewater are safe for human consumption and their production is economically viable. This was the conclusion of engineers working on an experimental farm in Gerga, in the Sohag Governorate of...

PRASA cleanup commences

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) Board is at full steam to institute actions which are primarily intended to improve operations at the organisation by putting greater emphasis on transparency and accountability. Chairperson of the...
Selati River image

Bosveld Phosphate found guilty of water pollution

Bosveld Phosphate was recently found guilty of crimes relating to environmental degradation and water offences, following a toxic spill which contaminated water in the Kruger National Park in 2013. These charges relate to unlawfully and...