waste | Infrastructure news - Part 268

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Latest achievements in tyre recycling

Early this week, The Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa (REDISA) released its key achievements from 1 December last year the end of October this year. In just that short time, 45 690 tonnes of waste tyres have been...

Acting fast to show commitment to water savings

Water Hygiene Convenience (WHC), a company founded by South African, Paseka Lesolang, is one of the early entrants for Standard Bank’s Water 4 Africa competition. The company makes toilets more efficient and sustainable. Using up to 70% less water...
kid drinkiing from tap image

AWF attracts €1.2 billion follow-on investments

The African Water Facility (AWF) has attracted €1.2 billion of follow-on investments for water management projects pledged by donors. “This is a major achievement for AWF’s 10th anniversary,” said Akissa Bahri, the Coordinator of the AWF. The...

Ecological disaster prevented off Bluewater Bay

Swift action by members of the South African Plastics Industry and local environmental officials prevented what could have been an environmental disaster last week, after gale-force winds blew 23 containers off a cargo vessel, the Seroya Lima, as...

Celebrating 40 years

Local South African provider of water, sewage and industrial effluent treatment technology Prentec recently celebrated 40 years in the water sector. Over the past four decades, the company has provided solutions to treat affected water worldwide....

South African scientist earns international acclaim

Dr Dyllon Randall of engineering, management and specialist technical services Aurecon’s water unit in Tshwane, recently won third place at the Falling Wall Lab in Berlin, Germany’s capital, for his work in wastewater treatment. Randall was one of...

MIG Projects worth R20 million in progress

The Oudtshoorn Municipality says it’s Technical Services Directorate is making strides in the implementation of the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) valued at R20 million for the current financial year ending in June next year. In a statement...

Plastics ocean pollution costs governments millions

A recent study by the Californian government determined that cost of preventing plastic litter from entering the ocean is as high as USD428 million per year. Activities that contribute to the cost include street sweeping, storm drain maintenance...

Knysna Municipality removes redundant standpipes

Knysna municipality is in the process of removing redundant standpipes in the formalised sections of the Northern Areas in Knysna. Municipal Manager Lauren Waring said Knysna has experienced low water levels in recent months and the municipality...