DAY ZERO | Infrastructure news - Part 29

Search results for: DAY ZERO

Global warming image

Climate change myths debunked

Wits University scientists have debunked two big myths around climate change by proving firstly, that despite predictions, tropical storms are not increasing in number. However, they are shifting, and South Africa could be at increased risk of...

In closing: COP19

The Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol met for the nineteenth time (COP19) in Warsaw in November this year. The aim of COP19 was to provide a structure for a new global agreement in 2015, to be signed or ratified in Paris. An agreement...
Pipeline image

The right amount of pressure

Process plants – whether water or wastewater – are reliant on various technologies for successful production. The reality is that these technologies are often forced to work under extremely harsh conditions. Related products such as pipes, pumps...

Technology unlocks fuel efficiency

Engineers at Volvo Construction Equipment are developing Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), which could reduce fuel consumption by up to 30% in certain applications and increase safety. Fuel efficiency is a top priority for construction equipment...
Yellow canary

Canaries to Crows

Are we missing something? Where I live we used to have many Indian Mynah birds. These birds seemed to be territorial and they protected their areas. They also seemed to breed at an incredible rate and there were always lots of them. From what I...
KSB pump image

Injecting fresh momentum

New Etanorm series impresses with operating reliability, energy efficiency and versatility. More power per pump – this is how one can summarise the principal characteristics of the new Etanorm type series. When optimising this classic pump, the...