waste | Infrastructure news - Part 302

Search results for: waste

Yellow canary

Canaries to Crows

Are we missing something? Where I live we used to have many Indian Mynah birds. These birds seemed to be territorial and they protected their areas. They also seemed to breed at an incredible rate and there were always lots of them. From what I...

Pikitup promotes greener event management

Every city needs events. Whether it is concerts, festivals, exhibitions, or summits, events make up the lifeblood of a city. The challenge is, the bigger the event, the bigger the mess it leaves behind. For this reason the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz...

Illegal stormwater connections cause chaos in CT

The City of Cape Town’s Water and Sanitation Department has received numerous complaints this rainy season of sewers overflowing on properties across the city. This is as a result of illegal stormwater connections or discharges to the sewerage...

New tools for design optimisation

Consultants involved in the design and specification of integrated solutions for the optimisation of water utilities can now benefit from dedicated support in the design of intelligent architectures. Global specialist in energy management Schneider...