waste | Infrastructure news - Part 310

Search results for: waste

Water pipes image

The blueprint for our survival

The National Planning Commission has paid particular attention to water issues and how they impact and influence our development pathways and opportunities.new growth path, Water has a role to play in four out of five of the job drivers identified...
King Shaka International Airport image

An airport that cares?

Three years since it became operational, King Shaka International Airport has made great strides in protecting and preserving the communities around it. The airport is Airports Company South Africa’s first green-field project, located 35 kilometres...
static compost heap image

Wanted: participants for compost project

Picture: A static compost heap on the Welgevallen Experimental Farm in Stellenbosch. (Photo: Dr Elmi Lötze) Wanted: school hostels, feeding schemes, or community gardens in the Boland that want to dispose of their large volumes of garden refuse or...
Rayco machine

Maximising composting capacity

Landfill Consulting has carved a profitable niche for itself in the beneficiation of green waste into compost for the City of Cape Town. James Kamau of Mfangano, dedicated distributors of the Rayco range of products, discusses how just one initial...