Infrastructure News - Part 46

Tyre industry initiative on a roll

REDISA has achieved much with regard to developing the tyre recycling industry, even winning the Circular Economy Governments, Cities and Regions Award at Davos earlier this year. But the story doesn’t end there – Stacey Davidson, director, REDISA,...

Waste bins that work

Rapidly escalating waste volumes will create serious consequences for an already intractable problem for towns and cities worldwide, both physically and fiscally. Getting the right industrial waste bin to manage, transport and recycle waste is...

Alula flies the transformation flag

The recently gazetted BEE Codes of Good Practice have challenged engineering firms, and other sectors of the economy, to transform and diversify. Alula Water took up the challenge, becoming a black-owned, and black women-empowered company, with a...

Winning schools recycling

“To change the way society handles waste, we have to effectively change the mindset of an entire generation,” says Gaopaleloe Mothoagae, sustainable development manager at ABI. A force for change at over 400 South African schools, Mothoagae is...

The plant of the future… now!

It’s a fact: for every tonne of waste processed by a waste-to-energy plant in place of a landfill, approximately one tonne of carbon dioxide emissions is avoided. Through the launch of South Africa’s very first refuse-derived fuel plant, Interwaste...

Expanding capacity

WEC Projects has grown steadily over the past few years, quietly gaining market share and influence by producing brilliant and original project-based solutions in Gauteng. New managing director Wayne Taljaard explains what’s next for WEC. How have...


Seabirds hospital

Plastics fundraiser gives seabird hospital wings

The South African plastics and packaging industry has raised R45 000 for a much needed seabird hospital at the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) in Cape Town. The funds were raised during the Propak Cape...
John Hunt

Investment needed for sustainable recycling industry

Long-term sustainable recycling in South Africa requires long-term sustainable investment in the country’s recycling capacity. This is the view of Mpact Recycling managing director John Hunt who says this means investing in recycling facilities...
Clean chemicals

Growing a profitable, sustainable chemical sector

The South African chemical industry’s commitment to sustainability is growing with more companies joining the global Responsible Care initiative. The initiative promotes the improvement of the safety, health and environmental performance of the...

Industry News

Metro News

Western Cape using smart-tech to reduce road deaths

The Western Cape Transport and Public Works Department are changing gears when it comes to road safety. Its focus will now be on helping to keep communities safe, along with preventing road deaths. Officials have unveiled some of their new...
no dumping sign image

City of Cape Town cracks down on illegal dumping

People who litter and dump waste illegally, should start shaking in their boots, because Cape Town City’s Anti-littering and Dumping Task Team will be out in full force to bring those who dump to book. If found to be on the wrong side of the law,...


The best in municipal engineering

The biennial IMESA/CESA Excellence Awards was held last night at the 80th IMESA Conference in East London. The awards give recognition to well-engineered civil engineering projects for infrastructure. Entrants for the awards must portray the art...

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Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.