water | Infrastructure news - Part 504

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Plastics patron receives special award

On June 3 this year, during the United Nations’ World Environment Week, Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture Rejoice Mabudafhasi was recognised with a special award from South Africa plastics industry representative body Plastics SA. Each year,...

Raw sewage to be pumped into the Vaal Dam-DA

A project which will pump raw sewage into the Vaal Dam is in an advanced stage. This is according to James Letuka, a DA member of the Free State provincial legislature, who spoke to News24. After receiving a complaint from local councillors, Letuka...
Dhesigen Naidoo is CEO of the Water Research Commission

Beware – the Cubans are coming! Part 2

Beware – the Cubans are coming! That’s the clarion call from some of the most important umbrella engineering organisations in South Africa. By Dhesigen Naidoo We cannot escape the fact that South Africa is desperately short of engineering skills. A...
Dhesigen Naidoo is CEO of the Water Research Commission

Beware – the Cubans are coming! Part 1

Beware – the Cubans are coming! That’s the clarion call from some of the most important umbrella engineering organisations in South Africa. By Dhesigen Naidoo One has to wonder if the response would be the same if the US Army Corps of Engineers...

Aiding erosion control in Nigeria

The World Bank recently approved funding to address erosion related challenges in Nigeria’s Edo State. As part of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP), an 8-year multi-sectoral programme that aims to restore degraded lands...