waste | Infrastructure news - Part 53

Search results for: waste

waste pickers

Waste pickers to join the formal waste economy

The Department of Environmental Affairs is working to incorporate South Africa’s estimated 62 147 registered waste pickers into the formal waste economy. Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, made this announcement on Tuesday while...

Could a waste management tax hurt industry?

Industry has significant concerns surrounding increased government intervention in waste management regulation and the imposition of a waste management charge or tax. The Waste Management Amendment Act of 2014 requires an Act of Parliament to give...

Five steps for effective event waste management

Big events generate a lot of waste. So much so that nine truckloads of plastic waste was collected at this year’s Two Oceans Marathon. The 2016 Two Oceans Marathon attracted almost 30 000 athletes – that’s a lot of water sachets to keep track of,...

What’s not to waste?

As the expression goes, ‘waste not, want not’. By using resources sparsely and knowing what can be recycled, we can all contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.   The Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) gives helpful...

Waste tyres – the new coal

According to a report by Accenture on the construction industry strategies for emerging markets, the global construction industry is expected to grow over the next decade, especially in the rapidly emerging economies of Asia, Latin America, the...