water | Infrastructure news - Part 575

Search results for: water

Illegal dumping image

Cape Town clamps down on illegal dumping

The Cape Town mayoral committee has approved a draft wastewater and industrial effluent bylaw, which gives the city the power to confiscate any vehicle used to dump waste illegally. 985 illegal dumping sites have been identified and measures such...

Infrastructure Development Bill concerns addressed

Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel will appear before the portfolio committee on economic development to answer questions on the Infrastructure Development Bill. Patel will be addressing the various questions and concerns raised by...
Selati River image

Sasol to help clean toxic spill in Kruger Park river

Sasol will help clean up the toxic spill that affected one of the rivers flowing through the Kruger National Park. A tailings dam owned by Bosveld Phosphates overflowed at the end of last year following heavy rain, contaminating a 15km stretch of...

Plans to build carbon dioxide plant

BOC Gases plans to construct a carbon dioxide plant at the Green Fuel ethanol plant in Chisumbanje, Zimbabwe. If established, it will have the capacity to supply the whole of Southern Africa. Carbon dioxide is a by-product in ethanol production and...
Roadtec’s machines image

Osborn provides the complete package

Commissioning, manufacturing, installing Noel Bessler, Peet Venter and Peet Eksteen of Osborn South Africa provide insight into some of the company’s top civil construction equipment. OSBORN ENGINEERED Products is a leading name in mining and...
Njabulo Matshoyyana image

Self-reliance in times of change

Rural drought management A pilot project, based on a series of community and local authority workshops, has focused on Tsengiwe village near Cala (four hours’ drive from East London) in the Eastern Cape. Cape Town-based earth sciences and water...

From biotechnology to bio-economy

Minister of Science and Technology Derek Hanekom recently launched South Africa’s Bio-Economy strategy. The Bio-Economy Strategy shifts the focus from developing the biotechnology sector to developing a bio-economy. Bio-technology harnesses...