waste | Infrastructure news - Part 66

Search results for: waste

Wastewater wizz

A classic example of a water treatment scenario requiring aeration is municipal wastewater processing. A lesser-known fact among non-water professionals is the tremendous amount of energy it takes to run compressors – it is in fact one of the...

SA Vinyl aims for zero waste to landfill by 2030

South African Vinyls Association (SAVA) Chairman Dr Claus Maurer said today at the Vinyl SA 2014 conference in Sandton, Gauteng, “SAVA’s product stewardship programme aims to reduce vinyl to landfill to 0% by the year 2030.” Other aims of the...
Maysarah Sukkar image

Integrated waste management services for Africa

A global provider of integrated waste management services recently showcased its new equipment dedicated to serve Casablanca. This followed averda being awarded a long-term waste management contract by the city of Casablanca earlier this year. The...

Joburg waste recycling gaining traction

The rollout of the City of Johannesburg and Pikitup’s Separation at Source waste minimisation programme, which is aimed at diverting recyclable waste away from landfills and encouraging members of the community to see waste as a resource, is...

Shining the light on e-waste

The Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA), leaders in the waste management industry, has urged South Africans to support eWASA and dispose of e-waste correctly. “The valuable and rare resources [found in e-waste] can be recovered...
Nuclear waste pond monitoring instrumentation image

Monitoring nuclear waste legacy ponds

Following a rigorous assessment period, EXO water quality monitoring sondes from Xylem Analytics are being deployed in what is arguably one of the most hostile environments imaginable – nuclear waste legacy storage ponds at the Sellafield nuclear...

Illegal medical waste storage facility uncovered

An illegal medical waste storage facility has been uncovered in Bloemfontein. Two individuals, including a prominent pathologist, have been arrested in connection. The medical waste found at the site ranges from anatomical to pharmaceutical waste...

Wired for waste

Christine Beukes, managing director of Oilkol, believes that, while technology is an important factor in building a sustainable future, respect for the environment is truly vital. Collecting, handling, disposing or treating waste has become a...