Aurecon | Infrastructure news - Part 6


Victor Young image

New appointment at Aurecon

Victor Young has been appointed as Industry Director, Communications and Utilities for Aurecon, covering the Energy, Water, and Data and Telecommunications markets. Former Industry Director, Colin Dominish, moves into a new role as Client...
Green Cities 2014 image

Aurecon experts at Green Cities 2014

In a world of shifting climate, increasing urbanisation and biodiversity loss, it has never been more vital to apply available skills and energy to ensure sustainable development within the built environment. Green Cities 2014: Beyond the Baseline,...
Kaytech image

Dealing with drainage

At the beginning of 2012, construction commenced on Phase 2B of the augmentation of Pretoria’s Moreleta Spruit Outfall Sewer network. The City of Tshwane contracted Aurecon, a global engineering company, to design and plan this substantial project....