Unitrans Agriculture and Mining Division has become the latest signatory of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association Responsible Care Initiative, thereby committing the company to implementing the guiding principles of this voluntary...
Improved waste management services and job opportunities will soon be enjoyed by the residents of Actonville and Wattville as NetsAfrica hands over its waste management co-operative pilot project to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality for full...
Photo: Bruce Engelsman, SRK Consulting According to Bruce Engelsman, a partner at consulting engineering firm SRK Consulting, South Africa leads the way in waste management in Africa, but many other countries on the continent are up to speed with...
The 2012 Responsible Care and the Responsible Care Haulier trophies were awarded by the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA) during the AGM of the Association. The Responsible Care Awards recognise and encourage member companies in...
The Chemical and Allied Industries Association (CAIA) launched its2012Responsible Care Performance Report. This is the sixth year that this report forms part of CAIA’s business portfolio. The report is aimed at increasing transparency in the...
Jimmy Giannoccaro, CEO of G&H Transport and Repairs has become the latest member of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association to sign the Responsible Care Public Commitment, thereby committing the company to implementing the guiding...
Responsible Care (RC) represents the heart of the chemical industry. It demonstrates that this important industry is not about reckless manufacture or use of harmful substances and taking shortcuts, but about improving the lives of South Africa’s...