department of energy | Infrastructure news - Part 5

department of energy

Early Christmas diesel present

The price of diesel decreases between 53.3 and 54.3 cents a litre on Wednesday 3 December whilst the price of all grades of petrol drops by 69 cents a litre. According to the Department of Energy, “The main contributing factor to the fuel price...

SA to hold second nuclear vendor parade

South Africa is to hold its second nuclear vendor parade this month with four other countries. “The second nuclear vendor workshop will be held during the course of November 2014, and will be with the following vendor countries; China, France, the...

Fuel price drops on 5 November 2014

Both petrol and diesel prices are to decrease on Wednesday, 5 November. According to the Department of Energy (DoE) the adjusted fuel prices are as follows: petrol (both grades) will decrease by 45 cents per litre and diesel (both grades) will...

13 cent diesel price drop

The price of diesel is set to drop by 13 cents a litre on Wednesday 1 October. At the same time the Department of Energy says petrol 95 Octane will also decrease by five cents. However petrol 93 Octane will increase by two cents. South Africa’s...

Pump relief

Fuel prices decrease on Wednesday. According to the Department of Energy, diesel decreases by 25.38 cents/litre and both grades of petrol will decrease by 67 cents/litre. South Africa’s fuel prices are adjusted on a monthly basis, informed by...
Petrol pump image

August fuel prices

The diesel price decreases from 6 August while the petrol price remains unchanged for August states the Department of Energy. The reasons for the diesel price decrease is mainly due to (a) the average decrease in the prices of petroleum products...

DoE will align itself with NDP

The Department of Energy (DoE) will ensure a maximum level of alignment between the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Strategic and Annual Performance Plans of the department. “The next five years is about moving South Africa forward towards...