DWA | Infrastructure news


WWTW reactor image

Colesberg WWTW upgrade complete

Despite a long wait, and having only handed over the site in July 2011, the upgrade of the Colesberg Wastewater Treatment Works was completed in the first half of this year, Lerato Mokoena, programme manager: Regional Bulk Infrastructure Programme...
Pump station image

Colesberg under construction

The overall progress of the Umsobomvu Local Municipality Bulk Water Supply Scheme reached 77% in March this year and completion is still expected in the second quarter of 2014, Lerato Mokoena, programme manager: Regional Bulk Infrastructure...
Taung/Naledi Bulk Water Supply image

Banking on bulk infrastructure

Bulk infrastructure is now part of the targets and actions for Vision 2030, which are the guiding principles of the NWRS2, Lerato Mokoena, programme manager: Regional Bulk Infrastructure Programme at the DWA, tells Chantelle van Schalkwyk. The...
drinking water image

Time is running out to comment

At the end of last month Cabinet approved for gazetting and a public consultation process, the National Water Policy Review, which is undertaken as a means to fill in the existing gaps in water policy and to facilitate necessary amendments....

Water Affairs moves to curb unlawful water use

The Department of Water Affairs is making good progress in efforts to eradicate unlawful irrigation in the Vaal River System by 2014, according to a statement released by the Department’s spokesperson Linda Page on 24 July 2013. “The focused effort...
Dhesigen Naidoo image

WRC and Sasol advance water stewardship

Pictured: Water Research Commission CEO, Dhesigen Naidoo As a large industrial user of water, Sasol has formed strategic partnerships with the Department of Basic Education in the Free State, the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) and the Water...

DWA and CSIR collaborate

The Department of Water Affairs (DWA) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The aim of the MoU is to forge a strategic partnership that will enable the two public entities to...