energy | Infrastructure news - Part 15


Africa image

Unleashing Africa’s infrastructure potential

Stakeholders mobilised to accelerate the implementation of priority regional infrastructure projects at the Dakar Financing Summit for Africa’s Infrastructure last weekend. The summit, titled Unleashing Africa’s infrastructure potential, has...
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Africa needs to close its infrastructure gap

“First, build infrastructure—energy, roads, and technology grids. These are the foundations of any strong and durable edifice.” This means closing Africa’s infrastructure gap, says Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary...
African globe map

Committing to building a better Africa

At the end of the African Development Bank’s 49th Annual meeting, bank leaders pledged to rally efforts towards building an Africa that is more inclusive, integrated, and with better infrastructure. Among other priorities for the Bank in the...
City of Johannesburg image

Joburg’s Green Revolution

The City of Johannesburg is conducting a Green Revolution to meet the challenged posed by climate change. During his State of the Province Address, Johannesburg Mayor Parks Tau said the city would increase its efforts to combat climate change,...
Victor Young image

New appointment at Aurecon

Victor Young has been appointed as Industry Director, Communications and Utilities for Aurecon, covering the Energy, Water, and Data and Telecommunications markets. Former Industry Director, Colin Dominish, moves into a new role as Client...
Gwede Mantashe image

Mantashe supports fracking

ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe has thrown his weight behind fracking as a means to meet South Africa’s growing energy needs. At a breakfast meeting of the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Sacci) in Johannesburg, Mantashe...
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World Bank funds massive hydro project

The World Bank has approved a $73.1 million grant for the first stage of the $80 billion Grand Inga project. The massive and controversial project aims to tap into the Congo River’s massive energy potential. It has the potential to supply energy to...