featured | Infrastructure news - Part 172


Climate Change commitment addressed

On July 16 the South African government and the European Commission discussed the issue of climate change stressing the need to intensify urgent actions to address the challenge at the international, regional, national and grassroots levels. Edna...

One man moves a mountain

Pretoria-based Jimi Son is single-handedly responsible for recycling a mountainous 20 tonnes of polystyrene per month! The material is used for decorative picture frames and mouldings in homes throughout South Africa and, soon, Son will need 100...

Hot water springs reveal genetic secrets

Most people visit the Western Cape’s hot water springs for health and relaxation, but a recent trip had a more serious scientific purpose: to grow international understanding of complex microbial systems. Representatives of local and overseas...

Changing the economic landscape

South African manufacturers have made a compelling business case for energy efficiency by cutting R1.1 billion in energy costs, reducing consumption by 1 340 GWh and mitigating 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. Now the driver of these...

African Penguin numbers declining

Population numbers of the African Penguin have been declining since the turn of the century due to lack of food, although government and parks interventions are mitigating some of the damage. In 2010, the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA),...

New BRICS development bank launched

The New Development Bank (NDB) opened in Shanghai on Tuesday to finance infrastructure projects, mainly in BRICS countries. BRICS countries are the world’s major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRICS leaders...

Umkhomazi Water Project underway

Development of the R16.5 billion uMkhomazi water project Phase 1 is at an advanced stage and once complete, it will be one of the largest water transfer schemes in South Africa. This is a multi-disciplinary project which is being undertaken by the...