featured | Infrastructure news - Part 270


Housing image

R3.9 billion: A substantial vanishing act

According to a recent report it appears that eThekwini Municipality’s human settlements department is R3.9 billion in the red. The report states that the department has not aligning its grants with the city’s housing infrastructure programme. Even...
Nhlanhla Nene image

A relook at SOCs and SOEs

A more intense and structured monitoring of state-owned companies and entities has been proposed by the government through a new funding framework. This follows a statement made by National Treasury earlier this week, during the Medium Term Budget...

President lauds green building

The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), has revealed its new green building in Pretoria to an eager mass audience – but one person in particular was extremely pleased to see how R8 billion will be spent over the next 27 years to run the...

Harare water crisis out of control

“There is now not one drop of municipal water left in Harare,” A source supplying boreholes in several SADC countries, including Zimbabwe’s capital, has told Infrastructre.ne.ws. “There are now hundreds of new boreholes being dug each week, putting...

SA Vinyl aims for zero waste to landfill by 2030

South African Vinyls Association (SAVA) Chairman Dr Claus Maurer said today at the Vinyl SA 2014 conference in Sandton, Gauteng, “SAVA’s product stewardship programme aims to reduce vinyl to landfill to 0% by the year 2030.” Other aims of the...
Cape Town image

Cape Town: a warts and all view

The City of Cape Town has shown sustained growth since 2003 highlighting its resilience in the face of the recession. However, while the city’s economy is growing faster than any other city in South Africa, crime, unemployment and inequality are...
Rubbish image

Tackling service delivery shortfalls

Officials from several of the City of Johannesburg and its entities are visiting areas in the city  under the banner of the Service Delivery Outreach Programme to ensure bylaw adherence and see that service delivery breakdowns are effectively and...