featured | Infrastructure news - Part 273


Ilanga 2 solar car image

UJ solar car team win technology and innovation award

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) announced that its team for the 2014 Sasol Solar Challenge received the technology and innovation award in the challenge. The vehicle, Ilanga II, used Gallium Arsenide solar panels imported from Germany, which UJ...
Natural gas station image

Can ditching diesel make recycling cost less?

Unfortunately one of the most consistent and unavoidable aspects of recycling is the cost. Layers of infrastructure ranging from collection to sorting and recycling need to be navigated and transport costs emerge during every step of the process....
Water pump image

Can water be nationalised?

There has been a massive public outcry over the recent Zimbabwe National Water Authority’s (Zinwa) ban on the drawing of bulk water from boreholes. Thousands of residents have described the decision as illegal. They has aired their frustration and...
Audit image

Who holds the key to clean audit reports?

Improvements in operations and oversight duties within the municipalities will only be achieved if the technical abilities of Municipal Public Accounts Committees (MPACs) are significantly enhanced. This is the view of Grant Thornton, head of...

New IDZ in KZN

Named among South Africa’s top 10 investment opportunities The Dube TradePort in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) is now officially an Industrial Development Zone (IDZ). On Tuesday, 7 October, President Jacob Zuma handed over the IDZ operator licence...
Nomvula Mokonyane image

Minister mitigates reputational damage

The Minister of Water and Sanitation, Nomvula Mokonyane, bombarded print media late last week with an editorial piece titled “Water is life, sanitation is dignity” in a blitzkrieg public relations move to win back the hearts and minds of the public...
cable theft image

More water delivery issues imminent

A South African water expert has warned that continuous restructuring at the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation could see the recent water crisis that hit Gauteng happening again … and again. The expert, Anthony Turton who worked previously...