featured | Infrastructure news - Part 285


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Combatting Corruption

A number of complaints have been received regarding the solicitation of bribes by officials along the Maputo Corridor. The Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative (MCLI) offers the following advice when approached for a bribe along this corridor....
Construction site

R4.9 billion for Gauteng infrastructure

The Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) will oversee a budget of close to R4.9 billion in this financial year. The department has been allocated an amount of R 1.976 billion for the 2014/15 financial year to implement programmes...
Numsa logo image

Numsa accepts latest offer

Numsa has accepted the latest wage offer and has ordered striking workers to return to work today, bringing a partial end to the four-week-long strike in the metal and engineering industries. The final wage offer by the Steel and Engineering...

Possible amalgamation of water acts

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is in the process of reviewing and possibly amalgamating the National Water Act of 1997 and the Water Services Act of 1997. The potential amalgamation of the two principal legislations will be subsequent...

Growing trade with Angola

The Angolan government has committed US$113 billion for transport and infrastructure over the next 20 years and US$3.97 billion in agricultural development amongst the key drivers of economic growth. With this mind South African businesses have...
South African Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe

Five-year NDP implementation plan approved

Cabinet has approved the 2014-2019 Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) which will serve as the first five-year building block towards the 2030 vision in the National Development Plan (NDP). The MTSF contains detailed five-year implementation...