featured | Infrastructure news - Part 287


President Jacob Zuma image

Zuma launches Operation Phakisa

President Jacob Zuma has launched Operation Phakisa, an approach to implement government’s policies and programmes better, faster and more effectively. Operation Phakisa is an adaption of Malaysia’s Big Fast Results methodology. According to Zuma,...

Limpopo’s new 1 535.7km national roads

A number of roads in Limpopo have been declared by the Department of Transport as national roads. According to the Government Gazette published on 10 July 2014 (Gazette 37815), the newly incorporated roads, amount to 1 535.7 km, will now be under...

Shanghai to host BRICS bank

The headquarters of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) will be located in Shanghai. This decision was made at the sixth BRICS Summit currently underway in Brazil. The bank’s Africa Regional Centre will be established in Johannesburg, South Africa...
Namibian house image

Human settlements to build 1.5m houses

The Department of Human Settlements plans to build 1.5 million houses in partnership with the private sector, all stakeholders and communities, over the next five years. “South Africa is about to become the biggest construction site in Africa and...
Numsa logo image

NUMSA rejects latest offer

The Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of Southern Africa (Seifsa) has withdrawn its latest wage offer after Numsa publicly rejected it on Sunday. Seifsa offered Numsa a 10% increase in 2014, followed by a 9.5% in 2015 and 9% in 2016. It...

Mokonyane announces water & sanitation plans

Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane says her department will provide a sustainable and holistic water value chain as guided by the National Development Plan, the ANC manifesto, and the second National Water Resource Strategy....
kid drinkiing from tap image

Water & sanitation MDG progress update

Sub-Saharan Africa still has a long way to go to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. Close to half of the global population without water resides in sub-Saharan Africa. The region has also made little progress on improving...

SA eager to host BRICS bank

South Africa has indicated its willingness and desire to offer Johannesburg as a host for the BRICS Development Bank. Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies told the media it would be an advantage if the BRICS Development Bank was to be located in...