featured | Infrastructure news - Part 306


Railway line image

Namibia: Trans-Kalahari Railway deal signed

An agreement between Botswana and Namibia has been signed paving the way for a 1 500 kilometre long railway line to be built. This railway line will traverse the Kalahari desert connecting land-locked Botswana with Namibia’s port of Walvis Bay. The...
Durban beachfront image

Roadmaps to smarter cities

Durban has won the IBM Smarter City Challenge that will see IBM experts providing expertise and working with the City’s leadership to develop a roadmap to a smart city which is aligned to the economic development and job creation plan for the City....
afc logo image

Africa’s future depends on improved infrastructure

Infrastructure development is both a defining challenge and a standout investment opportunity for Africa and investors around the world. Africa’s future depends on the continent’s policy makers doing the right thing. That is working to create...
Medupi image

Regulators should cut back cost overruns

Economic regulators should cut back cost overruns of large infrastructure projects by limiting user tariffs used to repay them. National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s (Nersa) Patrick Mabuza told this to a recent conference hosted by Nersa and...
raindrops image

NW needs R100 million for flood damage

Preliminary assessment estimates the cost of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged by floods across the North West Province at over R100 million. North West Premier Thandi Modise says this will require emergency funding to...
De Hoop Dam construction image

Zuma: De Hoop Dam a catalyst for development

President Jacob Zuma says the opening of De Hoop Dam is a celebration as it takes development forward in Limpopo. The De Hoop Dam, the 13th largest dam in the country, was officially opened this week. The dam forms part of the Olifants River Water...
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Partnering sanitation solutions for South Africa

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have entered into a collaboration on sanitation innovation solutions for South Africa. A memorandum of understanding – “Partnership in the...