featured | Infrastructure news - Part 313


Cape town image

Cape Town to get first pilot plastics-to-oil plant

The City of Cape Town will become the first South African municipality to establish a pilot plastics-to-oil plant. The City of Cape Town has signed an agreement with a Japanese consortium for the pilot plant’s establishment, with funding coming...
acid mine water image

Planned acid mine water levy

Regulatory and other measures have been put in place to address the serious environmental consequences of acid mine drainage. To complement current efforts and ensure that the mining sector makes its fair contribution towards continuing acid mine...
Global warming image

Climate change myths debunked

Wits University scientists have debunked two big myths around climate change by proving firstly, that despite predictions, tropical storms are not increasing in number. However, they are shifting, and South Africa could be at increased risk of...
Medupi image

Medupi water supply project behind schedule

The first phase of the Mokolo and Crocodile Water Augmentation Project (MCWAP), which will provide water to the Medupi power station, is behind schedule. There have been delays on both the pipeline and the pump-station components of the project...
Electricity Pylon image

America investing in African electricity

The United States (US) has passed a bipartisan legislation to bring affordable and reliable energy to many of the 600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. The US House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the amended Electrify Africa Act which will...
Building site image

Asset lifecycle management

Timeous management of operational risk and uncertainty is necessary from the very inception of a project. According to a new report by Deloitte, this approach to operational risk management is beneficial on a national level, in the context of South...
Groundwater image

Exploring Ethiopia’s groundwater

The Ethiopian government is planning to tap into its largely unexploited groundwater resources to sustain its population of over 90 million. Ethiopia has groundwater storage of 12,700 km³. This is recharged by 36 billion m³ per year thanks to...