featured | Infrastructure news - Part 327


Fertilizer discharge at Kenya Mombasa Port

Goods to hinterland via Beira not Durban

The Port of Beira is aiming to take fertiliser headed for Zimbabwe and Zambia away from the port of Durban. This follows the announcement of the construction of a new fertilizer terminal at the port of Beira, which is due to begin in March. Costing...
renewable energy

Abu Dhabi’s Sustainability Week looks at Africa

Abu Dhabi sustainability week (ADSW) launched on Monday with a panel discussion on the future of renewable energy development in Africa. The panel looked at opportunities for economic growth in Africa and what the continent needs to increade...
City of Johannesburg image

Working together to make Joburg green

The city of Johannesburg and businesses have agreed to work together to make the city green. The city and the business sector committed themselves to reducing emissions and conserving the environment at a business seminar held on Monday. The...
Musa Shangase image

New appointment in the brick industry

Musa Shangase has been appointed as the new commercial director for Corobrik. Shangase joined Corobrik in July last year as the national commercial manager. He sees the company as one of the leaders in the clay brick industry and says that this and...
kid drinkiing from tap image

Countries collaborate to bring water to Lesotho

Africa, Europe, the United States and the Middle East are working together to provide clean water in Lesotho. Rapid growth in Lesotho’s capital has put strain on the region’s water supply and businesses and homes are faced with...