featured | Infrastructure news - Part 374


SADC logo image

US$64 billion for SADC development

Studies have revealed that the current population of the SADC region, which currently stands at approximately 272 million, will grow at a rate of about 2% per year to reach approximately 350 million by 2027. Already, the region is not coping with...
Trevor Manuel image

Manuel defends ‘imperfect’ NDP policy

Pictured: Minister in the Presidency, Trevor Manuel Minister in the Presidency, Trevor Manuel, has been fending off criticism of the National Development Plan (NDP), saying it was never meant to be a “perfect document” but the country could not...
Graham Pirie image

CESA CEO calls it a day

Pictured: Graham Pirie, the CEO of Consulting Engineers South Africa, has retired (end of June 2013) Following an illustrious career spanning some 17 years at the helm of Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA), Graham Pirie has retired (end of...
SADC map image

Improving infrastructure in Africa

An action plan to improve transport infrastructure within the SADC region is in place and funds are being sourced to deliver these requirements by 2027. The plan was highlighted at the SADC regional infrastructure investment conference (RICC) held...