featured | Infrastructure news - Part 64


Rwanda drone

Drones the lifeblood of Rwandan deliveries

The UPS Foundation, California-based robotics company Zipline and Vaccine Alliance, Gavi, are actively exploring the use of drones to deliver medical supplies, with the Foundation providing an $800 000 grant to support the initial launch of the...

Municipalities get back to basics – phase 2

The 2016/2017 financial year will see implementation of the second phase of the back-to-basics programme, focusing on building effective systems and resilient institutions of local government. The first phase of the Back-to-Basics (B2B) strategy...
waste pickers

Waste pickers to join the formal waste economy

The Department of Environmental Affairs is working to incorporate South Africa’s estimated 62 147 registered waste pickers into the formal waste economy. Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, made this announcement on Tuesday while...