Green Building Council of South Africa | Infrastructure news - Part 2

Green Building Council of South Africa

Cato Manor green house project image

A touch of green

According to a case study spearheaded by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA), if three million existing low-income houses were converted to ‘green’ homes, the electricity saving would be enough to power a city the size of Durban or...

DEA receives accolade for Green Building

The Department of Environmental Affairs’ (DEA) new Green Building has received the Green Star World Leadership Award. The award was conferred by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) at an awards ceremony on 17 October 2013. This...
No2 Silo building image

Another Green Star Rating for the V&A Waterfront

The V&A Waterfront has been awarded another Green Star rating, this time for its No2 Silo building. The 4 Star Green Star rating comes shortly after No1 Silo, an 18 000 square metre commercial building and the new Allan Gray head office, was...

MAT-7 PVC minimisation clause removed

After the local PVC industry suffered a huge knock in sales following its bad environmental rap, the Green Building Council of South Africa has officially declared that the use of PVC products in eco-friendly projects will no longer be penalised....

Top green award for Vodafone centre

The Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) has presented mobile communications company Vodacom with the Highest Scoring Green Star Project 2008- 2012 for its Vodafone Site Solution Innovation Centre in Midrand, Johannesburg.The building was...