IMF | Infrastructure news


Jacob Zuma

SA addresses issues at G20 Summit

South Africa, through President Jacob Zuma provided an African perspective on the global economy and trade, infrastructure development, inclusive growth, the global financial situation and combating Ebola at the G20 Summit in Brisbane. Zuma said,...

Bolstering trade between SA and the US

Developing trade and investment linkages between SA and the USA were under discussion when Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene and US Secretary of Treasury Jacob J.Lew met at the end of October. During the meeting discussions touched on regional growth...

Doing business in Africa

The IMF’s April 2014 Regional Economic Outlook report, Crossing the Border, anticipates a pickup in economic growth for the Sub-Saharan Africa region. However the region still faces risks from both internal and external factors. Among them is...

Government welcomes IMF report

The National Treasury has welcomed the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) assessment, in its latest report on South Africa, that the country has a stable and resilient economy but one that could do much better. The IMF released the...