southern africa | Infrastructure news - Part 6

southern africa

240-tonne-capacity haul trucks image

Entering new growth regions

Having already established a strong foothold in Southern and East Africa, SMEC is looking to further expand its presence in West and North Africa. With main markets indices in countries such as Nigeria and Kenya having risen by more than 50% in the...

PPC CEO calls for infrastructure CODESA

Ketso Gordhan, CEO of the leading supplier of cement in southern Africa, PPC Ltd, has called for the creation of an infrastructure negotiation body similar to that of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (Codesa) as a critical step to kick...
SADC logo image

US$64 billion for SADC development

Studies have revealed that the current population of the SADC region, which currently stands at approximately 272 million, will grow at a rate of about 2% per year to reach approximately 350 million by 2027. Already, the region is not coping with...