Zimbabwe | Infrastructure news - Part 4


SA companies to upgrade Zimbabwe infrastructure

Zimbabwe capital Harare will sign a $400 million deal with a South African company to upgrade its road network while another SA company has offered to replace and upgrade the ageing Harare water distribution network at a cost of $100 million....
Borehole water supply in Zimbabwe image

Water shortages still a problem in Harare

Several suburbs in Harare, Zimbabwe have had erratic water supply for some time. Some areas have been without water for up to a week. The worst affected areas include Warren Park, Chadcombe, Hatfield, Mabvuku and Budiriro. Residents in Mabvuku told...

$53 million grant for Zimwater, power and sanitation

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has awarded Zimbabwe a $53 million (R594 million) grant. $40 million of this is intended for water supply, sanitation and power infrastructure rehabilitation projects. According to Reuters, Mateus Magala, who...

Plans to build carbon dioxide plant

BOC Gases plans to construct a carbon dioxide plant at the Green Fuel ethanol plant in Chisumbanje, Zimbabwe. If established, it will have the capacity to supply the whole of Southern Africa. Carbon dioxide is a by-product in ethanol production and...
Fertilizer discharge at Kenya Mombasa Port

Goods to hinterland via Beira not Durban

The Port of Beira is aiming to take fertiliser headed for Zimbabwe and Zambia away from the port of Durban. This follows the announcement of the construction of a new fertilizer terminal at the port of Beira, which is due to begin in March. Costing...

Zim water shortages lead to typhoid outbreak

Water shortages in Harare, Zimbabwe have led to a typhoid outbreak. The water crisis has resulted in many residents seeking alternative water sources. Most people have become reliant on borehole water, much of which is contaminated.28 cases of...

Zimbabwe at risk of water borne diseases: Harare

The international advocacy group Human Rights Watch says millions of people in Harare, Zimbabwe remain at risk of water borne diseases as a result of contaminated water and poor sanitation. It’s been five years since a cholera epidemic killed...

Chirundu – Zimbabwe

Some report back on the Chirundu situation by an operator: “We travelled through the border on Sunday afternoon and the situation was chaotic.  The queue extended for approx. 4.8km from the Customs Gate out of town past what is known as the RAM...