South Africa to host Air Cargo Africa 2013 in February next year | Infrastructure news

In order to tap business travellers, South Africa will host the second edition of Air Cargo Africa 2013 in Johannesburg organised by STAT Trade Times in February and 69th International Air Transport Association (IATA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and World Air Transport Summit (WATS) in Cape Town in June, next year.

Both the events will be attended by a host of internationally players from the aviation industry.  The Air Cargo Africa 2013 event will provide a platform to the industry players from the world to come together to form a vision for furthering their common and individual interests in the South African air cargo sector. The IATA AGM and WATS will draw the global industry’s attention to the opportunities in South Africa as trade and tourism links are being strengthened within the continent.

According to Tony Tyler, Director General and CEO, IATA, “South Africa will be a great location for the AGM and WATS in 2013. Air connectivity is a key to South Africa’s economic success, contributing 2.1 per cent to the country’s GDP.  Along with supporting South Africa’s strong tourism sector, air connectivity plays a critical role in maximising growth opportunities arising from South Africa’s BRICS membership and the burgeoning African economy.”

“The fact that IATA has chosen South Africa as the venue for its AGM and WATS adds credibility to our choice to elect the region as venue for our event.  The events are complementary from the aviation point of view as they would provide a podium to the industry players across the world to chalk out a plan of action for furtherance of the country’s already booming aviation industry. The events, in addition, would also facilitate South Africa’s integration into the global air transport network by opening up foreign markets to South African exports and expeditious adoption of new business practices such as just-in-time inventory management that relies on quick and reliable delivery of essential supplies,” said Priyo Patra, Director, STAT Media Group.




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