Students graduate with specialised knowledge of pumps | Infrastructure news

Vaal University of Technology acknowledges content of Grundfos Academy six month course.

The Vaal University of Technology is one of three technical universities in South Africa that  acknowledge the course content and training provided at the Grundfos South Africa academy for diploma studies.

The comprehensive course covers basic and advanced hydraulics, pipes, valves, diesel engines, vee belts and pulleys, mechanical seals and various types of pumps.

Dudley Willer, knowledge manager at Grundfos South Africa, says that students who attend the 22 week course are either mechanical or electrical graduates, or sales staff from Grundfos distributors who have been identified within their organisations and are in need of the information provided in the intense training course to further their careers in the pump industry.

“The full time course covers both academic and practical training,” says Willer. “Training on specific products and solutions is presented by local product managers supported, when the opportunity presents itself, by specialists from Europe. We make sure we utilise their skills to provide students with the best training at all times.”

He states that the course is valued at about R50 000 per student but is offered free of charge. “The reason we do this is so that we can maintain the pump knowledge base and grow the pump industry in South Africa.”

Gonval Store graduated as a top student and was voted by his peers in the 2012 Grundfos graduation group as the best overall student for the year.

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