Rea Vaya bus drivers ordered to return to work | Infrastructure news

According to the SA Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu), the labour court has instructed Rea Vaya bus drivers to end their strike and return to work.

Samwu spokesperson Phumlile Shange said the order was made on Wednesday.

“This is an interim ruling and we are meant to meet with the employer of the bus drivers to discuss this further,” she said.

Samwu have 25 days to appeal the court’s ruling.

Piotrans, the company contracted to the city to operate the first phase of the bus service, said it had met and reached an agreement with workers.

“The buses should be operating as usual from this afternoon (Thursday),” said Piotrans spokesperson Dumisani Mntambo.

He said it still planned to meet the unions to discuss the drivers’ demands.

“We have an open-door policy and we are willing to address their concerns.”

The bus service has not been running since Monday leaving many passengers stranded.

Piotrans and the bus drivers could not reach an agreement on Friday which resulted in a strike notice being issued.

Samwu said it was demanding higher wages for workers and improved working conditions.


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