Transport Month heralds positive outcomes | Infrastructure news

Transport Month, held in October each year, came to a close on Saturday in Pretoria with a speech from Transport Minister Ben Martins.

Martins spoke about a variety of transport issues in South Africa, which included updates on public transport, e-tolling, the aviation sector and PRASA to name a few.

He said that South Africans have access to quality roads and public transport infrastructure that facilitate economic participation and social inclusion.

It was noted that one of the highlights in the progression of public transport was the introduction of the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT), which has been completed in Johannesburg and Cape Town with a dozen other cities planning to launch their own BRTs in the near future.

In regards to e-tolling, which has been an ongoing saga for some time now, the minister said that government would implement the e-tolls as part of the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Programme (GFIP).

“I encourage the users of tolled roads in Gauteng to cooperate with government. There is no doubt that the infrastructure rehabilitation through the GFIP will also reduce congestions on the road.”

Another positive development was the training of young women as pilots, which is a big plus for the diversity in the aviation sector.

When it comes to road safety, the school debate on road safety that was coordinated and hosted by the Road Traffic Management Corporation was a highlight for the various road awareness campaigns taking place around the country.

The minister also updated everyone on the progress that the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA),is making in acquiring new trains and coaches.

“With regard to rail, PRASA is on course to finalise the procurement programme for the acquisition of new trains amounting to about 7200 new coaches,” he said.

The freight and logistics industry can be glad to know that the government has worked to improve the cross-border infrastructure in some of the busiest borders, such as Lebombo and Beitbridge, which will hopefully ease traffic at these border posts and also open up more trade opportunities.

The 2012 October Transport Month programme was organised under the theme, “Providing a safe and reliable transport for all”.

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