Management of current landfills best option | Infrastructure news

Waste-to-energy programmes within the larger waste management framework may be the new buzz term for a new avenue of dealing with waste especially within South Africa’s energy crisis but, these initiatives are developing slowly due to finance challenges. Also, while private sector involvement in various stages of the supply chain is possible, such involvement should be objectively evaluated.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan estimates volumes of municipal waste to power in South Africa 6.5 to 10 MW in 2011. However, the market is set to increase as initiatives from South African metropolitan municipalities come online. There is much waste to be utilised. Around 95% of South Africa’s waste is disposed of in landfill sites. The dependence on landfills has limited the incentive to devise alternative methods of dealing with waste. Typically, new landfill sites are situated in remote locations, resulting in increased transport costs which have become a central theme in the management of waste and the diversion too, of waste from landfill. This directly affects the rates and taxes paid by urban inhabitants.

“Therefore, managing the landfills is often a better alternative,” Frost & Sullivan’s energy and power team leader Johan Muller, says. “Rather than exploring new landfill sites, the managing of existing sites and generating energy as a by-product is often a more feasible approach. This statement is however dependent on various financial indicators, such as the rising cost of electricity from Eskom.”

A central theme to waste management is the minimisation of waste and as such, although the generation of energy from municipal waste is not the core objective, the additional supply of electricity to the national grid (or used privately on-site to) is a welcome relief to the South African electricity demand issues. But this is not the penultimate solution to the energy problems in the country.

Says Muller: “It would be naïve to think that generating energy from a landfill site is the solution to the imminent electricity demand crisis. Energy from municipal solid waste can supplement the pending electricity shortage, and it would be wise for municipalities and Eskom to work hand in hand towards optimal goals, also keeping in mind the role that private parties can play.”

Various metropolitan municipalities are either currently generating, or very close to generating electricity. Those not yet generating are waiting on results from financial and technological feasibility studies. However, municipal budgets are not limitless, and often the huge capital expenses required to convert landfill sites to waste to energy generating sites are a major restraint.

Frost & Sullivan predicts that depending on the outcome of the financing options, as concluded at COP17, the current growth rate of municipal waste to energy initiatives will continue at a rate equal to the availability of financing. Should the price of coal-based electricity continue to rise, it can drive further interest into municipal waste to energy projects, especially by the private sector.

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