200 toilets for Durban settlement | Infrastructure news

In order to provide proper sanitation facilities in parts of South Africa, NGO Sulabh International will construct 200 toilets and a training school around Mahatma Gandhi’s Phoenix settlement in Durban.

“Sulabh International will open a vocational training school for the poor and marginalised people who are living around Mahatma Gandhi’s famous Phoenix settlement at Durban where the Father of the Nation spent more than a decade during his South Africa stay,” NGO’s founder Bindeshwar Pathak said.

The low-cost sanitation NGO will also build 200 household toilets in the settlement, he said at the just concluded ‘World Toilet Summit’ in Durban.

A community toilet popularly known as Sulabh Shauchalaya would also be constructed and maintained to serve the needs of the population of the Phoenix settlement spread over hundred acres established by Mahatma Gandhi in 1893.

“The idea is to ensure a decent life to all those who live at Gandhi settlement,” Pathak said.

He visited Gandhi settlement, interacted with local population and got first hand information about the lack of proper toilet facility there, the NGO said in a statement today.

Pathak met the authorities of the Gandhi Ashram located within the Phoenix settlement and assured them to build a vocational training school for the local population.

Pathak also met Mthembu Bo, Information Officer of Gandhi settlement and discussed about his plans.

He will approach the government to allow Sulabh to open a training centre near Kusturba Gandhi Primary School which was established by Gandhi’s wife for the poor people of the settlement.

Source: Outlook India

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