New generation of in-pipe monitors launched | Infrastructure news

For decades, knowledge of water quality between the treatment plant and the consumer’s tap was an impossible pipe dream. However, in 2006 Intellitect Water launched a new technology which turned that dream into reality and now, almost seven years later, the company has launched a new version of the Intellisonde in-pipe monitor that brings new levels of simplicity and reliability.

Intellitect Water Director John Howell says “The Intellisonde Version 2 (IV2) is a lot more than just an improved version of its predecessor; it represents a quantum leap in performance. The two key differences are: firstly, calibration is now embedded in every individual sonde at the time of manufacture, which substantially reduces the time and resources required for field calibration during installation. Secondly, a new advanced chlorine sensor has been developed for greater accuracy and faster response times.”

Factory calibration
The embedded calibration is multi-point to ensure high levels of accuracy, and can be quickly and easily checked in the field. This is a major benefit because the original Intellisondes had to be calibrated in the field for all parameters as part of the installation process. In contrast, the IV2 will provide accurate data as soon as it is installed, although depending on conditions, some users may need to check chlorine and dissolved oxygen readings. In most cases this would not be necessary, but users are able to monitor their IV2 sondes remotely to determine whether any settling has taken place.

The IntellisondeV2

Once the IV2 sondes have been installed correctly, no further calibration is necessary during the entire working life of the sensors.

By embedding the factory calibration and substantially reducing the amount of work required during installation, Intellitect has also significantly reduced the opportunity for both human error and poor repeatability of calibration procedure. This, in turn, improves reliability and accuracy.

Web connectivity
IV2 sondes are able to transmit data via GPRS to a web server that publishes data to a password-protected website. A direct or Ethernet connection enables live data display on a newly designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) which can be accessed via almost any web-enabled device including PCs, laptops, iPads, mobile phones etc. The GUI has been tested for compatibility with all common browsers.

Sensor technology
The sensors are mostly the same as those that feature in the well-proven original Intellisonde with the exception of the chlorine sensor, which now benefits from a new manufacturing method that improves accuracy, repeatability and response times to changing chlorine levels.

Most traditional water quality sensors would be unsuitable for use inside pressurised pipes, so Intellitect’s engineers have developed sensor technologies that are small, low cost, low power, robust and require almost no service or calibration. As a result, the head of an Intellisonde is a mere 3.6cm in diameter, but fully populated can deliver continuous water quality data for 12 parameters. Measurement options include Free Chlorine, Mono-chloramine, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity, pH, ORP/Redox, Flow, Pressure, Temperature, Turbidity and Colour. An ISE channel is also available for Fluoride or Ammonium. The measurements are flow independent because the unit features an automatic stirrer which starts when low flow is detected.

No chemicals or membranes are necessary to operate, service or calibrate these sensors – they are quickly and easily replaced at the end of their service lives. The reference electrode, chlorine and dissolved oxygen sensors are replaced after 6 months; pH/ORP and ISE after 1 year; and the conductivity sensor is replaced after 2 years.

Summarising the advantages of the IV2 John Howell says “Almost every aspect of the Intellisonde has been improved, making it easier to use, more accurate and even more reliable.

“Now that the calibration is factory-embedded, users will find the IV2 much quicker and easier to install, and Chlorine is arguably the most important measurement parameter, so the advantages of the new enhanced sensor will be of great benefit to most users.

“The new versions have been fully tested and we have been delighted with the results that they have shown, so they are now available for immediate shipment.”

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