Warehouse summit | Infrastructure news

The 7th annual Warehousing Summit held in Johannesburg  brought together key industry players to not only learn from their peers via informative presentations but also to network and engage with one another discussing their own supply chain challenges.

At the same time delegates learnt about new solutions in the market place and were able to also compare vendor solutions.

Seen at the summit were:

Tony Adams and Ian Repsold image

Tony Adams and Ian Repsold

Michael Badow and Mohammed Ebrahim image

Michael Badow and Mohammed Ebrahim

Collin Govender, David Webb, Hugh Kirby and Anthony Louse  image

Collin Govender, David Webb, Hugh Kirby and Anthony Louse

Jaun-Roe van Wyk, EttieneMeyburgh, Graeme Johnston and Butch Strydom image

Jaun-Roe van Wyk, EttieneMeyburgh, Graeme Johnston and Butch Strydom


Eben Truter, MJ du Toit, Peter Kerr and Andries van Wyk image

Eben Truter, MJ du Toit, Peter Kerr and Andries van Wyk


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