As a strategic partner of the upcoming Infrastructure Africa Business Forum, the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development is committed to ensuring the successful roll-out of world-class infrastructure in the province, and indirectly, supporting Africa’s infrastructure growth and development.
“Forums such as the Infrastructure Africa Business Forum provide the opportunity to plan for and share best practice in the delivery of growth enablers such as energy, transport, water and ICTs,” says MEC Nandi Mayathula-Khoza. “The timing of this growing premier gathering of public and private sector infrastructure leaders could not be more opportune.” The 2013 report of the UN Economic Commission for Africa aptly describes Africa’s economic growth and resilience in the tumultuous global economic environment of the past decade: ―Since 2000 the continent has seen a prolonged commodity boom and sustained growth trend. And although growth slowed from an average of 5.6 per cent in 2002–2008…—Africa quickly recovered with growth of 4.6 per cent in 2010. The continent’s growth slipped again in 2011 owing to political transition in North Africa, but rebounded strongly once more to 5.0 per cent in 2012, despite the global slowdown and uncertainty.“As the province that contributes around 10% of Africa’s GDP, and therefore a definite ‘African Lion’ economy, Gauteng is positioning itself to seize the opportunity that comes with the forecast of sustained continental economic growth over the next decade or so,” says Mayathula-Khoza.
The annual Infrastructure Africa Business Forum takes place from 21 to 22 July in Johannesburg, bringing together Africa’s most influential businesses and infrastructure policy leaders to engage in intense, collaborative sessions and to draw a road map identifying key factors for growth and the opportunity for business participation in Africa’s infrastructure development. “We look forward to sharing with delegates at this forum, our ambitious plans that include a large scale rollout of solar roof top panels to be mounted on government buildings to meet their energy needs,” says Mayathula-Khoza. The third Infrastructure Africa Business Forum will play host to two full days of renowned, thought-provoking content for its distinguished community. Delegates can expect to explore new trading opportunities, establish and strengthen business networks, develop and form partnerships and plan a way forward to address some of the continent’s infrastructure project requirements. Expert advice and input on the current state of infrastructure in Africa and the anticipated impact of future development will also be presented.