The 2014 World Water Week, organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), is taking place in Stockholm from 31 August to 5 September.
The World Water Week in Stockholm involves more than 200 organisations collaborating on over 100 events. Plenary sessions will open and close the week with keynote speeches, panel debates and cultural events taking place in between. World Water Week host SIWI has initiated a series of workshops, with programmes developed through an open abstract submission process. In 2014, SIWI has chosen to increase its focus on three important environmental aspects:- selecting food with low environmental and water impacts
- measuring the amount of waste produced by the conference and implementing mitigation strategies
- actively promoting carbon offsetting to all participants.
Energy and water
This year’s theme is energy and water. The 2014 World Water Week will take an overall “systems view” of how to develop and manage energy and water for the good of society and ecosystems at local, national, regional and global levels. The “water, energy and food security nexus”, underpinning the green growth approach, will be central to the agenda. The energy and water theme will be addressed from two overall perspectives: the societal opportunities and challenges, and the cross-cutting issues.